Black Obsidian Orgone Pyramid(Protection)


Orgone seems to mean the “Life Energy flowing all around us” and is the western version of Prana or Chi. The word Orgone is derived from “Org” meaning “impulse or excitement”. These devices were originally developed as life force generators for working with subtle energies, clearing stagnant energy, and for personal wellness and healing. They have also more recently been used to balance harmful EMF waves as a result of frequencies generated by cell phone towers, WiFi, electrical grids, and electronic systems.


essence, it balances and harmonizes the energy. It absorbs negative energies and radiates out positive energies. So how does it work? The resin attracts and absorbs the energy. The metals reflect and accelerate the energy charge inside. And the quartz crystal purifies the energy. And once the negative energy becomes positive, it is then radiated outside. It’s important to note that property-constructed orgone devices work continuously and without charging.


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